“Fast” Running Cues

Reading time: 8 min

Before going into the Running Cues, let’s recap what we have covered thus far:

  • Base Running: Base is a pace that can run comfortably breathing only out of your Nose. You’ll spend most of your running time at Base
  • Fast but Not Hard running: Drills in which you run reps at a “Fast” pace, but the combo of chosen rep speed & length and recovery duration ensure that no rep feels “Hard.” Your focus is not on the difficulty of the exercise but instead on your body and your technique. These include Strides, Diagonals and Surges.
  • Rule #1: If you can’t Stay Loose, you’re training too Hard. Rule #1 is your mechanism to ensure your Fast but Not Hard drills (and other training I’ll introduce later) are not “Hard.”

So what should you focus on during Fast but Not Hard exercises? Here are a few Running cues and techniques to develop:

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